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Lulav & Etrog Order Form 2024

Lulavim and Etrogim Order 2024

Order By Sunday, September 15th to ensure you are ready for Sukkot 2024. You will receive an email with instructions for picking up your order when your set is ready. Prices vary by the quality of the Israeli Etrog in the set. The name of the person who purchased the order will be on the sets when you come to pick them up at Beth Shalom.

There are 4 Sets to choose from:

Regular Lulav and Etrog Set- $37.95
Described as the basic lulav and etrog set.
Each set comes with 1 Lulav and 1 Etrog.

Prime Lulav and Etrog Set- $42.95
Described as the next level go-to set for Sukkot.
Each set comes with 1 Lulav and 1 Etrog.

Deluxe Lulav and Etrog Set- $47.95
Described as the deluxe set usually purchased by Clergy and those who want a fancy set for Sukkot.
Each set comes with 1 Lulav and 1 Etrog.

Hoshanoth- $9.50
Hoshanoth for Hoshana Rabah that will include 5 branches of willows bound together.

   Regular Lulav & Etrog Set - $37.95
   Prime Lulav & Etrog Set - $42.95
   Deluxe Lulav & Etrog Set - $47.95
   Hoshanoth for Hoshana Rabah $9.50 each

The Deadline for ordering your Lulav & Etrog
is Sunday, September 15th!

Pickup will be at Congregation Beth Shalom, during office hours
14200 Lamar Avenue
Overland Park, KS 66223

Sat, September 14 2024 11 Elul 5784